Parent Counseling and Therapy

Parenting is difficult! Many parents feel as you do, challenged by difficult behaviors and stressful environments. We work with parents to provide counseling, training, and therapy services designed to help parents to effectively support their child or teen as they navigate through their lives.

We understand that every child is different, and each child may have any number of issues throughout their growing years. We’ll work with you to understand your concerns for your child, and we aim to help you as you help your child grow, all the while improving the relationship between you and your child. If you think you and your family may benefit from parent counseling, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for additional information, or to schedule a consultation. Also, please feel free to continue reading to learn more about parent counseling, our practice, and who may benefit from counseling sessions.

Parent counseling in Encino

What Is Parent Counseling?

In its simplest terms, parent counseling involves a therapist working with parents to help uncover, cope with, and overcome child-related problems. Families can encounter any number of issues as they raise children, and parenting counseling aims to help resolve or mitigate those issues while providing the support children need in order to thrive. Sessions will be customized on a family-by-family basis, in order to cater to their specific needs, obstacles, and the dynamics of their relationships. Your counselor aims to help all involved, in order to foster healthy relationships and to create a supportive environment for a child to grow.

Whole Child Neurodevelopment Group Office

Our Practice & Techniques

As mentioned, sessions will be personalized to each family, depending on their individual needs. That said, we may employ a number of practices and techniques in order to help address any difficulties a family may be experiencing.

Parents may be referred to us by a doctor, psychologist, school, et cetera, or they may approach us of their own volition. From there, your therapist will meet with you to begin to understand your unique situation and your needs. You’ll work with a therapist to address issues in scheduled meetings. Often, parents may meet with a therapist on their own, or with their child or children. Sometimes, group therapy may be recommended, depending on the circumstances.

Parent counseling may involve any number of techniques, and it may include any number of sessions. Most often, parent counseling takes several weeks or months, in order to assess family relationships and problems, implement changes, and track progress to see results. Programs may involve any of the following forms of counseling and therapy, among others:

  • Couples and co-parenting counseling
  • Divorce or separation adjustment therapy
  • Substance-abuse counseling
  • Anger management
  • Grief counseling
  • Counseling for child behavioral issues

Who Can Benefit From Parent Counseling?

There’s no manual to parenting — all parents and families can benefit from counseling. Parent counseling is an excellent option for parents with any number of unique circumstances, and it is designed to help parents as well as their children. For instance, we provide parent counseling and training for parents who need support processing their own experiences of becoming a parent, unresolved trauma, grief, and loss.

We also help parents break negative patterns of communication that they may have learned growing up. We can help parents to better understand their child’s behavior issues as lagging skills that need to be taught and help them communicate more effectively with their child.

We work with couples who disagree in their parent styles and values, or work through a stressful event that has caused tension or strain in the relationship. Couples will learn to communicate their needs, negotiate roles and values, and heal any hurt feelings.

We even help parents navigate co-parenting while going through a high-conflict divorce and custody issues. We work with parents to develop parenting plans, address differences in child-rearing practices, find solutions to concerns about role sharing, address boundary and triangulation issues, and help parents communicate more effectively. Parents are empowered to function in ways that best nurture their child or children’s growth and development.

Personalized Parent Counseling & Therapy Services

At Whole Child Neuro, we understand that being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. We also know that every family is different and that each family faces unique challenges. That's why we offer personalized parent counseling and therapy services to help your family navigate whatever challenges you may be facing.

Our team of counselors and therapists will work with you to develop a custom plan that fits your family's needs. We'll help you identify your goals, and then we'll provide the support and resources you need to achieve them. Whether you're dealing with addiction, struggling with communication issues, or simply trying to find more balance in your life, we can help.

The Goals of Parent Counseling

Parent counseling is designed to help remove barriers and work through issues that may be getting in the way of a healthy parent-child relationship. While parent counseling is tailored to address each family’s unique circumstances, some of the most common goals of parent counseling include:

  • An important goal of parent counseling is to provide parents with support and guidance. Parent counseling can help parents learn how to better communicate with their children, how to set boundaries, and how to deal with difficult behaviors.

  • Parent counseling can also help parents understand their children's needs and how to best meet those needs.

  • Another goal of parent counseling is to help parents develop coping skills. Parent counseling can teach parents how to deal with stress, anxiety, and depression. Counseling can also help parents learn healthy ways to cope with anger and other strong emotions.

  • Parent counseling is also important for parents who are struggling with addiction or other mental health issues. Parent counseling and therapy can work in conjunction with addiction counselors who can provide resources and support that can help parents recover from addiction and improve their overall mental health.

Improve Your Relationship With Your Child

If you’re considering parent counseling, or if you have questions about our services, please don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation. We’ll meet with you to understand your unique situation and your relationship with your child. As always, it’s our goal to help your child to reach their full potential — discover how we can help you to help your child thrive!

We proudly provide parent counseling services for our neighbors throughout the Greater Los Angeles area — including residents in Sherman Oaks, Calabasas, and Beverly Hills — from our office here in Encino. Please, call today to learn more.

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